1- Decomposition of the design problem
As an example, the task I am decomposing in user actions is the change of the battery in a smoke detector in the hall of my house.
Analyzing the actions from this task I will show the problem I am trying to solve.

User Actions

1)- Pick up the toolbox and  choose the right ladder.

2)- Carry the toolbox and the ladder from the basement to the hall.

3)- Change battery.

4)_ Take back the toolbox and the ladder to the basement and store them.

Note- The toolbox and the ladder are rather heavy objects, in the toolbox I have all the tools I will need to do the job, then I can not omit it , but if I can use something like a chair to reach the smoke detector I will not have to carry the ladder up and down.
Then, why not have a strong toolbox I can step on and forget the ladder?

These are the concepts I am thinking about to solve the mentioned problem.

2- Ten concepts


A- Two step stool & twin toolbox.
B- Single step stool toolbox.
C- Toolbox with four folding legs.
D- Toolbox with spacer under the lid.
E- Small one step stool with small hidden toolbox.
F- Toolbox/stool  with two side folding legs.
G- Toolbox/stool  with two front folding legs.
H- Two step Toolbox/stool  with two front drawers.
I- Two step Toolbox/stool  with two side drawers.
J- Toolbox/stool with removable legs stored on top of lid.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    November 2013

